The New Superhero Movie

June 6, 2008 at 3:22 pm (Movies)

The new superhero movie starring Will Smith, Hancock, is set for release on July 2nd, where Will Smith is sure to once again reign supreme Independence Day Weekend. However, you may not know that the movie went through a lot to get here. It went through years of director and name changes, being named “Tonight, He Comes” and “John Hancock” at times. The movie even experienced some heat from the MPAA. The movie was rated R TWICE, and had to be edited down for its PG-13 rating.

“We had statutory rape* until three weeks ago.” He says the film, despite slight considerations made to broaden its audience, remains highly sexual and violent. “The ad campaign for this movie is much friendlier than the film,” Berg added.

The movie definitely doesn’t sound like a kid’s movie, however I’m 100% percent sure if I go see it I’ll see a bunch of kids in there too young for it, based on how it sounds. I am still looking forward to this movie, and hope to go see it. Hancock has been through a lot of troubles (both the movie and the character), but looks to be worth it when it releases Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008.

*Statutory Rape is sexual intercourse between an adult and a minor.  


  1. nolanator said,

    I don’t care if it was rated R twice, I’m still going to see it.

  2. earlman27 said,

    Ok, I’m not saying it’s bad because of that. I’m glad it’s PG13 instead of R. I’m still gonna go see it too.

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